/* * ___________________________________________________ * * GameDesign11 * ___________________________________________________ * An intro to 2D Game Design using the Unity Engine * * Author: Derek Cresswell * https://github.com/DerekCresswell/GameDesign11 * * A simple 2D controller to move an object in a * platformer style. * * It is unlikely you will need to edit this file * directly. All your code interacting with this * should be in a seperate script(s). * */ /* * * --- What You Need To Do --- * * Create an "input" script to control this that : * - Calls 'Move()' once per update * * Ensure you attach this to an object with a * Rigidbody2D, a "head" Collider2D, and a "foot" * Collider2D. * */ /* * * --- API --- * * This is the info for all the functions and * variables that you can use from this script. * * -- Functions -- * * Move (float movement) * Call this at the end of the 'Update' function * to move your object. * - 'float movement', the amount you want to move * the object left or right. * * Jump () * Call this to make your object jump if you are on * the ground. Jumps straight up. * * JumpUnconditionally () * Makes the object jump instantly, even if not on * the ground. * * CancelJump () * Cancels the current jump bringing the player to * the ground faster. * This should be called whenever the object is not * jumping, as in more than once. This deals with * the current jump state so it can be called even * when on the ground with no side effects. * * Crouch () * Makes the object crouch by disabling the * collider set to the 'crouchDisableCollider' * variable. * The object will stay crouched until 'UnCrouch' is * called. * * UnCrouch () * Makes the object un-crouch by enabling the * collider set to the 'crouchDisableCollider' * variable. * If this collider is blocked it will be enabled * again as soon as it can be. * * -- Variables -- * * bool isGrounded * Tells you if the object is currently standing on * the ground. * * bool isJumping * Tells you if the object is currently jumping. * * bool isFacingLeft * Tells you if the object is facing left. This is * defaulted to true, if your object is not facing * left to start, set the 'Y' rotation to '180' * * bool isFacingRight * Tells you if the object is facing right. This is * defaulted to false. If this is the starting * orientation of your object set the 'Y' rotation * to '180'. * * bool isCrouching * Tells you if the object is currently crouching. * * bool landed * Is true if the object landed, meaning it became * grounded this frame. * * Vector2 currentVelocity * Gives you the current X and Y velocities of the * object. * * @TODO add tool tips for public variables. * @TODO add raycast wall jumping / jump direction * */ using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody2D))] [RequireComponent(typeof(Collider2D))] public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Settings")] // Maximum movement speed public float maxMoveSpeed = 1f; // Can you control the player while jumping / falling public bool canControlInAir; // How big of a jump the player has public float jumpForce = 1f; // How fast does a jump cancel out [Range(0f, 1f)] public float jumpCancel = 0.5f; // Allow the player to flip left and right public bool allowFlipping = true; // How much slower should the player move when crouched [Range(0f, 1f)] public float crouchSpeed = 0.5f; [Space] [Header("Collisions")] // Which layer contains the ground public LayerMask whatIsGround; // Which collider to disable when crouching public Collider2D crouchDisableCollider; // Which collider is the feet public Collider2D footCollider; [Space] // The Rigidbody on the player public Rigidbody2D rb; // Readonly variables public bool isGrounded { get; private set; } = false; public bool isJumping { get; private set; } = false; public bool isFacingLeft { get; private set; } = true; public bool isFacingRight { get; private set; } = false; public bool isCrouching { get; private set; } = false; public bool landed { get; private set;} = false; public Vector2 currentVelocity { get; private set; } = Vector2.zero; // Internal use variables private Vector2 m_Velocity; private Vector2 direction = Vector2.zero; private ContactFilter2D contactFilter; private PhysicsMaterial2D noFricMat; private PhysicsMaterial2D defaultMat; private bool queuedJump = false; private bool queuedJumpUnconditonally = false; private bool queuedUnCrouch = false; private bool lastFrameGrounded = false; void Awake() { if(rb == null) rb = gameObject.GetComponent(); contactFilter = new ContactFilter2D(); contactFilter.SetLayerMask(whatIsGround); noFricMat = new PhysicsMaterial2D("FrictionlessMat"); noFricMat.friction = 0f; defaultMat = rb.sharedMaterial; } // Called once per 'Update' in order to move the character // 'movement' represents the horizontal movement of the character public void Move(float movement) { if(isGrounded || canControlInAir) { direction.x = Mathf.Clamp(movement, -1f, 1f); } } // Makes the player jump upwards when it can jump public void Jump() { if(isGrounded) { queuedJump = true; } } // Makes the player jump upwards no matter what public void JumpUnconditionally() { queuedJump = true; queuedJumpUnconditonally = true; } // Cancels out a player's jump public void CancelJump() { if(isJumping && rb.velocity.y > 0f) { // @TODO can this be done with forces? // @TODO or should this have a Queued bool // to avoid GetButton and work with only getButtonDown rb.velocity -= new Vector2(0f, rb.velocity.y) * jumpCancel; } } // Flips the player and sprite public void Flip() { if(!allowFlipping) return; isFacingLeft = !isFacingLeft; isFacingRight = !isFacingRight; gameObject.transform.Rotate(0f, 180f, 0f); } // Starts the player crouching public void Crouch() { crouchDisableCollider.enabled = false; isCrouching = true; } // Stops crouching when the player can public void UnCrouch() { queuedUnCrouch = true; crouchDisableCollider.isTrigger = true; } void FixedUpdate() { /* // Keeping this here incase we need to switch back to the old method. isGrounded = false; Collider2D[] colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(groundCheckPoint.position, 0.1f, whatIsGround); foreach(Collider2D col in colliders) { if(col.gameObject != gameObject) { isGrounded = true; isJumping = false; rb.sharedMaterial = defaultMat; break; } } */ // Detect collisions with anything considered ground isGrounded = Physics2D.Raycast( footCollider.bounds.center - new Vector3(0, footCollider.bounds.extents.y + 0.01f, 0), Vector3.down, 0.05f, whatIsGround ); // Set landed bool if(!lastFrameGrounded && isGrounded) { landed = true; isJumping = false; rb.sharedMaterial = defaultMat; } else { landed = false; } lastFrameGrounded = isGrounded; // Prevent sticking to walls if(!isGrounded) { rb.sharedMaterial = noFricMat; } // Jump if we asked to jump if(queuedJump) { if(queuedJumpUnconditonally) { rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, 0f); queuedJumpUnconditonally = false; } rb.AddForce(transform.up * jumpForce, ForceMode2D.Impulse); isGrounded = false; isJumping = true; queuedJump = false; } // Try to uncrouch if requested if(queuedUnCrouch) { bool canUncrouch = true; // Enable the collider as to allow detection of collisions crouchDisableCollider.enabled = true; List crouchColliders = new List(); crouchDisableCollider.OverlapCollider(contactFilter, crouchColliders); // See if there is something blocking the uncrouch collider foreach(Collider2D col in crouchColliders) { if(col.gameObject != gameObject) { canUncrouch = false; break; } } // Set the crouch appropriately if(canUncrouch) { isCrouching = false; queuedUnCrouch = false; // Ensure the collider is no longer a trigger crouchDisableCollider.isTrigger = false; crouchDisableCollider.enabled = canUncrouch; } else { crouchDisableCollider.enabled = false; } } // Set up the velocity Vector2 targetVelocity = new Vector2(direction.x * maxMoveSpeed, rb.velocity.y); if(isCrouching) targetVelocity.x *= crouchSpeed; rb.velocity = Vector2.SmoothDamp(rb.velocity, targetVelocity, ref m_Velocity, Time.fixedDeltaTime); // Decide if the player should flip bool flipSides = (isFacingLeft && Mathf.Sign(rb.velocity.x) == 1) || (isFacingRight && Mathf.Sign(rb.velocity.x) == -1); if(flipSides && Mathf.Abs(direction.x) > Mathf.Epsilon) { Flip(); } } void Update() { // Update user facing velocity currentVelocity = rb.velocity; } }